How to Tell the Difference Between Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now



I know you’ve heard the saying some people come into your life for a season and some come for a lifetime, and when it comes to love it’s sometimes hard to distinguish between the two!

Today I want to discuss knowing when a man is right for now, and knowing when he’s Mr. Right and the subtle differences that’ll make ALL the difference in the longevity of the relationship.

Surprisingly what you’ll read below is more about YOU than it is about any single man!



  • He will come when you’re lonely
  • He will come when you’re at your lowest
  • He will come when you’re heart is not fully ready to love again
  • He will come when you’re still dealing with past relationship trauma
  • He will come when you’re still in love with a man from the past
  • He will come posed as a man, but end up being mentally abusive, manipulative and nothing like the man you met and fell for



  • He will come when you’re 100% in love with yourself
  • He will come when you have your dream career, job, and life
  • He will come when your heart is 100% free of past trauma
  • He will come when you’re ready to love and your heart is free from any ties to past lovers


…..The reason he won’t come is, because when you’re not the best version of yourself you’re willing to accept way less than you truly deserve and you attract Mr. Right now!

But, when you’re at your best and emotionally strong, mentally ready, and where you want to be in life; Is when Mr. Right will seem to appear out of nowhere, because he’s ready and more importantly YOU’RE ready. You will naturally attract the best version of the GOD fearing man you deserve.

If you’d like more information on finding MR. Right then my book The Man God Has For You –  7 Traits To Help You Determine Your Life Partner is just what you need.

Get it below:

dating book for women - the man god has for you

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5 thoughts on “How to Tell the Difference Between Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now”

  1. Tina Wade

    I read the summary of finding mr.right and I loved it. And I will be ordering the book very soon!

  2. Jocelyn Su

    Can MR.Right now turn to MR.Right?

  3. Victorious A.

    I pray that I’m correctly already Spiritually Married to you. No matter how I try to release you from my Heart, my Spirit see’s my home In You….

    💝 Victorious

  4. Phyllis Judie

    I’m confused about my current situation. The man I’m involved with met ALL my desires and then some. Everything was going along great. He lives in Atlanta, I live in Kansas City. So we both agreed that this would be a challenge that we were willing to work with. He came to visit me. Things kept going along fine. And right before I went to visit him he started making comments like “I just noticed that you don’t really talk that much” I said that can’t be true because you keep telling me how great I make you feel and how easy it is to love me. He got me all hyped up for my visit, yet when I get there he makes a point of saying “you know I’m not here to entertain you”. He had nothing planned for us to do and he was preoccupied with business. So fast forward, right after I returned home he kind of slowed down communication. Then we I confronted him he said that he wanted to dial things down for now. I kept reaching out, no response until I finally said “I respect your decision to step back, so I will give your space for now. My heart still belongs to you and I love you.” He then responded ” thank you, I respect and appreciate that”. So after all he hyped me up to be and what he wanted to do for me. This is where we’re at. I truly don’t get it. Should I wait and see if he just needs time, and if so how long. Or should I just say forget it? What am I missing?


    Thank you so much for your insite into men..

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