It Can Happen In Any Family

boy with hand in front of his face for sexual abuse awreness

So I have decided to start a blog. I figured it was the best thing to do to help promote my upcoming book as well as give readers an opportunity to get to know me and my thoughts better. With that said, I wasn’t sure what I should make this first blog post about. So many options to choose from, but I decided I would make it about something I feel is extremely important and needs to be discussed more often: Sexual Abuse. I feel as if this is a major issue that happens a lot more than we realize. Studies show that 1 out of every 4 girls will experience sexual abuse before she turns 18. That’s not even including how often it happens on the male side. It is such an unfortunate thing, but we make it worse by not creating an environment that allows victims to speak out.

D2L Sexual Abuse Awareness Banner
I personally have never experienced sexual abuse, but I have heard so many stories, and have met so many people that have unfortunately experienced this. We need to talk to each other and especially our children about this issue more often. We should not turn a blind eye and assume that this could never happen in your family. Studies show that more than 90% of the abusers are people the victim knows, loves, or trusts. Also, understand that this is not just about children. There are adults also being sexually abused, and this also is unfortunate and unacceptable. I don’t have the cure for this problem, but I do acknowledge that by talking more about the subject and being open to the idea that this can happen to anybody can help in possibly reducing the frequency of this crime. At the least it can help give victims the strength to speak out, thus beginning the healing process from this traumatizing experience. For more information on Sexual Abuse awareness you can go to www.darknesstolight.organd take a step towards educating yourself, your children, and your families on this very important issue.

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18 thoughts on “It Can Happen In Any Family”

  1. Ssusan4214

    Thank you for having the courage to write about this, for this issue is one that tugs at my hearts strings!

  2. Thank you Ssusan4214. It really is important that we continue to speak about this issue and raise awareness. It tugs at my heart as well.

  3. @KeinyaL

    Such an important topic and right on about educating ourselves and families about this. The more we talk openly about this stuff the better equipped we are to deal with it should we ever need to.

  4. @RAREglamour

    Such a beautiful , yet difficult topic to speak of. Please post more! GREAT first post!

  5. Cat

    Where can we go to learn signs or indicators that someone maybe being sexually abused.. I am not asking for this material because I know someone who might be, but I have a very young child  and i just want to be armed with the information should I ever suspect.

    1. StephanLabossiere

      Definitely go to they have a lot of information and resources to help educate and raise awareness. Also always keep lines of communication open with your children and never be afraid to talk to them about this reality. 

  6. Great story this is what I wrote about in my book. I think it happens a lot but people don’t
    talk about it as often as they should.

    1. StephanLabossiere

      It happens a lot more than we think. I am hoping to contribute to creating more dialogue about the issue. What is the name of your book?

  7. Corey_elsie

    I have never experience sexual abuse but my opinion is that the all should get stone to death and the fuck ass parents that do that shit should get life in prison. I hate to even talk about this cause I have two kids of my own and I would kill someone if the ever try my family like that. I’ll say the law is at fault and the need to stop letting these kind of people walk the street and just register them self that is rediculous.

    1. StephanLabossiere

      I understand where you are coming from. The thing is many of the abusers have been abused themselves. It is a crazy unfortunate cycle that we have to find a way to stop. The more we talk about it the better we have a chance to make a difference. Also remember, many times the offender is in the family. That is why we have to talk to the children so that they understand how to handle this potential issue.

  8. Tremayne Moore

    Hi. I’m a male and I suffered sexual abuse when I was 10. And my parented turned a blind eye by allowing the abuser back in the house after telling them (even though I lied saying it happened once, it really happened for 7 months). It was my mother’s half-brother & he was 2 years older than me.

    I wrote a novel reflective of my story, the difference is that It also addresses teenage suicide. I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2008.

    1. It is unfortunate that you and so many others have had to go through this. I’m hoping we can get more people to openly discuss this issue. People need to hear more about this topic and books like yours.

  9. I 100% believe that children and adults need to be educated on this subject. When a child is sexual abused they feel dirty, ashamed, betrayed, scared and embarrassed. What child wants to run and tell that secret??? A lot of children go through life never telling and it effects them in so many ways. I believe that if parents discussed sexual abuse with their children at a early age that it could help minimize this type of abuse for happening! I have written and illustrated a book named “Looper, Stop Child Abuse” in hope, to educate both children and adults on what to do if in a abusive  situation and to put an end to this type of abuse!

    1. I agree with you 100% Dawn. If you are interested I would love for you to submit a guest post on this subject and you can put a link to your book in it. We all need to be better educated on this matter and I am all for helping spread the message. Just email me at

  10. Jayneen Sanders

    Sexual abuse prevention education is the key! We need to educate kids as well as parents and our community. Forewarned is forearmed.

  11. This is a great topic. So often families cant even afford treatment. Some parents “dont have the time” to take off work to get treatment for their children. Its very sad. We just have to raise awareness in our communities and maybe even lend some of our time. 

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