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Your Heart šŸ’” Canā€™t Repair Itselfā€¦

Iā€™m praying for you to experience peace, happiness, and real loveā€¦

Growing up I heard the saying ā€œtime heals all woundsā€ a LOT

ā€¦so much so that I started to believe it.


I was wounded, and time went by, and the hurt remained.

Not hours, not days, not even monthsā€¦



They LIED!

Yes, I was suffering from trauma from past relationships years after they were over.

Not just in a longing for that person, wishing it never happen kind of way, but letting the problems of that relationship seep into my current relationships.

And we all do this.

We think weā€™re healed, because time has passed.

Just to get into a new relationship, and attract the same type of toxic people, just to end up in yet another dead end relationship.

ā€¦then weā€™re stuck wondering WHY???

Well Iā€™ll tell you why.

Itā€™s because we havenā€™t truly healed.

And if weā€™re not the best version of ourselves, than we wonā€™t attract or be able to embrace the best version of other people.

We will attract and entertain the hurt, inconsistent, not sure about themselves people.

I donā€™t know about you, but I simply grew tired of it, accepted that the quote ā€œtime heals all woundsā€ wasnā€™t true, and decided to make a change. (hence me becoming a relationship coach to 1000ā€™s of people)

And over years, and many clients, and heartbreaks later I learned what it REALLY takes to find love after heartbreak and truly heal from past relationship trauma.


I wrote a book to share it with you.

Itā€™s called ā€˜Love After Heartbreakā€ and it isnā€™t just for people who have just experienced a break up.

Itā€™s for anyone whoā€™s ever been hurt (by lovers, family, or friends) and hasnā€™t healed, because most havenā€™t, and I want that to change.

Embrace this journey, become the best version of yourself, and watch how your life improves significantly.

Let the healing begin by getting your copy below:

==>Ā Love After Heartbreak eBook šŸ’ž

==>Ā Love After Heartbreak paperback šŸ’ž

With Love,

Stephan Speaks

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